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Jennifer Weaver, Attorney at Law


Jennifer Weaver, Attorney at Law

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Description of Jennifer Weaver, Attorney at Law

It’s About Personal Connection
You can get your groceries online. Prescriptions mailed. One click on Amazon. Going to your attorney, however, is something most people expect to do in person. To shake hands. If I represent you on a traffic ticket or something trivial, we may do it over the phone. But for most things — divorce, criminal charge, child custody — you are going to want to look someone in the eye. You are spending money on a legal advocate because something significant is happening in your life. One of the most sought-after human experiences is a connection with others. If you come to me, you are coming at a point in your life where you will want to reflect a little bit. An attorney is a compassionate yet professional witness to your experience.

How Can You Help Me?
No, I’m not going to encourage you to just “tough love” and move on. With family law, divorce, or uncoupling is a process. Even a one-night stand that ended in a child is going to be a transition. With criminal law, you should be reflecting after that drug arrest or operating while intoxicated arrest. Sometimes it may be that the police violated your rights, and you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Other times you may opt to plead guilty (because you are), accept the punishment, and move forward. I offer a free initial consultation so you can look me in the eye and decide whether we are a good fit.

Chart a Path to Your Next Destination
Moving on is important. I’m not saying on day one. Most people with whom I have a custody case or a divorce, I am going to build a relationship with. Don’t get me wrong. We aren’t best friends as I am billing you. But just like a therapist, I am going to usher you through a transitional period of your life. You aren’t just coloring your hair here. Process what’s going on in a healthy way and figure out how to move forward. Are there going to be times when you are angry? Yes. Spiteful? Yes. Let me guide you through these normal human experiences in a compassionate and professional manner. Move on with dignity.

A Bright Future
Why? Nobody likes a dweller. But there is a way that we sometimes weaponize our guilt as a reason to be unhappy today. It’s absolutely necessary to take a look at what happened in your life and figure out how you move forward. How did I fall into that pattern where I ended up with that jerk? How am I going to improve myself so I set boundaries so that I don’t allow a person to treat me that way? We all have our own things that we feel guilty about. I’m not perfect. I’ve had my fair share of HUGE MISTAKES. But what are you going to do? Drown in guilt and shame? Feel bad your kids had to see how that abusive person behaved and that you stayed? That’s terrible. But unless you do the work and figure out how you allowed someone to hurt you and your children that long, you are going to attract those people. People who are abusive, who constantly push your boundaries, are magnets for people with no boundaries. That’s something I can gently guide you through. Unfortunately, there is no class that says, “Hey, there are all these crazy subclasses of people with personality disorders.” Maybe there should be. But if you have fallen prey, then let’s make sure you have protection for your heart. Let me listen to your situation and offer firm but gentle suggestions.

Trial Work — It’s All About Connection
Connection is the human experience, and that’s a huge reason why I am a trial attorney. I like people and hearing about the human experience. I love to hear your story. Life is complicated, and one way we connect with juries is because we connect with people every day. I’m the every day person’s lawyer. And it makes me relatable and trustworthy.
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